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The Canadian Association for Couple and Family Therapy
L’association canadienne pour la thérapie conjugale et familiale
CACFT/ACTCF, previously CAMFT/ACTCF has duties and responsibilities to the public at large and all those who seek our services, as well as to its members, and to the profession of Couple and Family Therapy. We meet these duties and responsibilities by: the regulation and oversight of membership credentials and continuing education; setting accreditation standards for Marriage & Family Therapy education; and by establishing and maintaining a Code of Ethics and standards of practice, and a disciplinary procedure for handling ethical violations; as well as by providing membership services and benefits. |
Founded in 1995 to promote the profession and practice of couple/marriage and family therapy in Canada.
The Registered Marriage & Family Therapist (RMFT) designation shows that the therapist is a member of the association and is in the RMFT member category. They have:
The priorities for CACFT/ACTCF are:
La désignation de thérapeute de mariage et de famille enregistré (RMFT) montre que nos membres RMFT répondent à des exigences rigoureuses et sont qualifiés pour pratiquer la thérapie de couple/mariage et familiale. Le diplôme RMFT distingue ces thérapeutes des autres psychothérapeutes qui peuvent s'identifier comme thérapeutes individuel, de couple et de famille, mais qui n'ont pas nécessairement le même niveau de formation, d'éducation et d'expérience que les RMFT.
Les professionnelles de la santé mentale qui souhaitent travailler avec une perspective systémique sont encouragés à approfondir leurs connaissances et leur formation en devenant étudiantes, affiliées ou membre associées de l'ACTCF.
Un conseil d'administration bénévole dévoué venant de tout le Canada dirige l’ACTCF.
Les priorités du conseil
- Protéger notre désignation RMFT
- Maintenir les cotisations à un bas prix pour intégrer les cliniciens de tous les milieux socioéconomique
- Création d'un site Web entièrement bilingue
- Renforcer notre capacité de superviseurs ACTCF
- Offrir plus d'opportunités éducatives telles que des webinaires et des conférences
- Création d'un répertoire public de nos membres facilement accessible par le public
- Développer des branches régionales et d'intérêts spéciaux
- Lancement d'un journal ACTCF
- Travailler avec les programmes postuniversitaires canadiens pour développer un ensemble commun de normes et compétences pour la formation des futurs TCF
- Créer des opportunités pour nos membres de réseauter et de se connecte
Interested in becoming a Couple/Marriage and Family Therapist?Join us today!
Mental health professionals who are interested in working from a systemic perspective are encouraged to further their knowledge and training by becoming a student, affiliate, associate or Registered Marriage and Family Therapist (RMFT) member of CACFT/ACTCF.
Are you in the midst of a family, community or national crisis?
Do you not have the ability to pay for an expert couple or family therapist?
CACFT/ACTCF Emergency Response Team is offering three free couple or family therapy sessions to those that need the help of an expert in couple and family therapy in their time of crisis.
To ensure that everyone who applies can be seen quickly by one of our volunteers we ask that if you are making over $50,000/year and/or you have supplemental insurance coverage to please click here to find an RMFT in your area and not use this free service. If our waitlist is more than two weeks we recommend you also reach out to Moving Forward Family Services as they also provide free short-term therapy and have more volunteers than we do.
If you would like to access Couple & Family Therapy through the ERT please click here to complete the registration form. Once we have your information one of our ERT members will contact you.
Clients with Ethical Concerns
CACFT/ACTCF has duties and responsibilities for the protection of the public at large, all those that seek our services, and our members.
CACFT/ACTCF Members must abide by our Code of Ethics. If you have an ethical concern about how one of our members treated you as a client, you can find our Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice and Procedures for Handling Ethical Matters on this link.
To view the ethics section on our website please follow this link: