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CACFT/ACTCF has duties and responsibilities to the public at large and all those who seek our services, as well as to its members, and to the profession of Couple and Family Therapy. We meet these duties and responsibilities by: the regulation and oversight of membership credentials and continuing education; setting accreditation standards for Couple & Family  Therapy education; and by establishing and maintaining a code of ethics and standards of practice, and a disciplinary procedure for handling ethical violations; as well as by providing membership services and benefits.

Please Click  to download the CACFT/ACTCF Code of Ethics.

For the CACFT/ACTCF Standards of Practice document please click here.

Please click here to read the Procedures for Handling Ethical Matters. 

Please click here to read Frequently Asked Questions page. 

Have questions, or would like an CACFT complaint form sent to you? Email: [email protected] 

Contact the CACFT:

(416) 907-4620

[email protected]


P.O. Box 1064

Tottenham, ON.

L0G 1W0

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