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Webinars and Courses 

Events listed below are not all CACFT/ACTCF events

but we believe they are of interest to MFTs. 

CACFT/ACTCF has not reviewed the content of the events offered below, except for those that have been given pre-approved CEUs from CACFT. The events are not listed in any particular order. Not all courses will be approved for CEUs. Although we do our best to have all details below correct, CACFT is not responsible for any errors. 

If you are looking for a past webinar that CACFT offered you may find it in the 'Store" on this website. Members can find Free Webinars on this webpage, after they login. 

SickKids | Centre for Community Mental Health Learning Institute 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and teens: Evidence-informed treatment strategies for kids and their families with Daniel Chorney, PhD.

Mar. 25, 2025 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET

Registration fee: $300

Now $255 with code. The code is in the Monday Update sent to members. 

CE: 6 hours

This training offers practical, evidence-informed methods for using exposure and response prevention (EX/RP) with children and adolescents facing obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Participants will learn to create effective treatment strategies and discuss real-life cases to enhance their skills in supporting families. Learn more at:

ADHD in children and adolescents: Assessment, management, racialized youth, and cannabis effects with Dr. Joan Flood, Dr. Doron Almagor, and Nadia Kerr.

Mar. 26, 2025 | 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET

Registration fee: $300

Now $255 with code. The code is in the Monday Update sent to members. 

CE: 6 hours

Join this expert-led virtual ADHD training to deepen your understanding of ADHD in children and adolescents, including its presentations, comorbidities, and culturally responsive management strategies. Gain insights into diagnosis, treatment, and the impact of cannabis on ADHD from leading professionals in the field. Learn more at:

Parental Alienation Study Group - Save the Date 

September 10-12, 2025 - CT Time Zone

Toronto, ON In-Person

Two Day Conference 

Please click here to learn more

Association of Sex Therapy in Ontario (ASTO) (Formerly BESTCO) 

An Exploration of Psychedelic Medicines and 

Future of Sex Therapy

April 24, 2025 - In person Toronto Ontario 

Psychotherapist, clinical consultant, and author of forthcoming book Embrace Pleasure: How Psychedelics Can Heal our Sexuality, Dee Dee Goldpaugh, LCSW will present a comprehensive foundation for understanding psychedelics relevant for sex therapists and their clients. 

April 25, 2025 - In person Toronto Ontario 

 ASTO Business Meeting & Associate Presentation Module

Open to members and non-members. 

Please click here to learn more about both events. 

Couples Therapy Group Supervision

A series of systemic bi-weekly 2-hour group supervision being offered to therapists working with Couples/Relationships. We will remain a small group (4 minimum, 6 maximum) to ensure everyone gets opportunity to consult frequently. 

  • What: Group Supervision (applies for CRPO and CACFT supervision hours) focused on working with couples/relationships
  • When: Thursdays 9:30am-11:30am EST every two weeks from March 27th to June 19th (April 24th excluded)
  • Where: This is a virtual group in order to accommodate folks wanting to participate across

Ontario (and Canada)

  • Cost: $100 plus HST per 2-hour session

Initial 15-minute free consult is completed to ensure goodness of fit with therapeutic approach and level of training/experience needed to participate. 

Shannon Lawless RP, RMFT-S is an approved CACFT supervisor with 18 years of couples therapy experience. 

For more information please contact:

The Safety & Repair Approach to Gender Based Violence

Tod Augusta Scott offers training in the Safety and Repair approach to gender-based violence, including sexual harassment, assault, and IPV. Developed in response to the many women we have talked to who have experienced intimate partner violence, and want their partner or ex-partner to be part of the repair process. There is a 2 day training or half day training available. 

Website link for registration:

Website link for further information on training:

YouTube video (2 mins) about training:

Optimizing Sexual Experiences 

Are you a clinician or therapist who works with individuals or couples distressed by low/no desire? Low/no sexual frequency? Couples distressed by sexual desire discrepancy? Are you interested in training to provide group therapy to enhance couples’ sexual intimacy? Our team offers training for clinicians working with sexual concerns based on our research on Optimal Sexual Experiences.

All group therapy sessions are to be conducted by two licensed mental health professionals, therefore, we require that you and your co-therapist be trained in unison. Training sessions will be limited to the first 6 pairs of therapists who register.

Dates: March 30 – April 2, 2025, continuing June 8-11, 2025. Each set involves participation over 2 periods of Sunday-Wednesday afternoons. All conducted by online synchronous learning.

Deadline for Registration: February 28, 2025.

To begin the registration, and to ask any questions over email, please contact Ms. Jessica Valade at indicating your name, your co-therapist’s name and your contact information. Please contact Peggy J. Kleinplatz, Ph.D., if you have any questions by phone at 613 563-0846 Monday- Friday, Noon-5:00 PM Eastern time.

This program meets the requirements for AASECT and CCPA and is approved for 30 credits.

For more information and to see our recent publications please visit


March 28, 2025

Time:  10 am to 1 pm EST

Location:  Online (Google Meet)

Format:  Highly interactive, come prepared to use AI to get you started.

Cost:  150.00 for the webinar/training

Learning Goals:

Ethical and Privacy Considerations - specifically the governance around AI provided by the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers

Creative ideas for using AI in your practice.

Things to know when selecting an AI program - ranging from basic ChatGPT to specific services (like AutoNotes, etc).

Understanding how AI stores and uses your information

Client Consent

Differences between transcription and case note generating using AI.

Designing Chat Prompts, tools and tips to keep things private and simple.

A live demonstration on using AI specifically for producing a case note from a client session

Please click here to register. 

Caribbean Externship in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy. 

May 8, 9, 12 & 13, 2025 - Virtual 

This externship is more than just training—it’s an immersive, transformational experience that will elevate your ability to work with couples in meaningful and culturally responsive ways.

Dr. Paul Guillory, an ICEEFT-certified EFT Trainer, brings decades of experience in emotionally focused therapy and a deep commitment to culturally responsive practice. His expertise in working with BIPOC couples and understanding the impacts of race, slavery, and colonialism on relationships makes this externship uniquely relevant—not just for Caribbean therapists but for any clinician who wants to work more effectively with diverse populations. Please click here to learn more about this discounted externship. Early Bird ends February 28, 2025

The Vanier Institute of the Family 

Celebrating diversity. Advancing family well being. 

The Vanier Institute of the Family is a national, independent think tank committed to enhancing family wellbeing by making information about families accessible and actionable. 

Research snapshot: Children in Out-of Home Care in Canada 

Research snapshot: Newcomer Women's Experiences of Intimate Parter Violence in Canada

Non-Pathologizing Approach To Counselling

with Michael Towers, MFC, CPC-S, RMFT-S, RCC-ACS, CCC, CCS

Friday, May 9, 2025 8:00am  PT Virtual

The profession of psychotherapy / counselling was built on the medical model, which perpetuates a pathologizing of the client. This workshop is designed to equip practitioners who wish to sit with their clients in non-pathologizing ways. You will learn how to take the training you have already acquired, along with each modality’s interventions, and translate them into a non-pathologizing perspective. It is advised that you purchase the textbook and workbook to help you apply the theories and principles to your practice. Please click here for more information 

The Calgary Family Therapy Centre

August 11 - 21st, 2025 

Approved by CACFT for 60 CEUs. Please click here to learn more. 

Applied Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practice Certificate

Presented by Wilfrid Laurier University Faculty of Social Work Professional Development
in Partnership with Red Maple Coaching and Consulting

The Applied Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practice certificate will help you understand each client as a unique and complex system who has an innate capacity for self-leadership and healing. The program is comprised of two parts:

Part 1: Foundations of IFS Practice. 

Part 2: Deeper Applications of the IFS Model

This two-part program will require 80 hours of learning through: ...... Please click here to learn more about the program. Or click here. This has not been reviewed by CACFT/ACTCF. 

Somatic Attachment Psychotherapy Online 2 year Training

With Lisa Mortimore, PhD and Stacy Adam Jensen, MEd

Starts March 2025

Early relational experiences forge a neurophysiological and psychological template of self, often creating insecure attachment which distorts the development of self, and impacts relational functioning throughout the lifespan. Corresponding affect management strategies and attachment patterns, accompanied by dysregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), impact one’s self perceptions, world, and identity. Please click here to learn more. 

Clinical Supervision - Using CFM to Personalize Your Approach & Excel as a Supervisor

A Leading Edge On-Demand webinar led by Jeff Chang, PhD, RPsych

This 30 hour course has been approved by CACFT. 

Please click here for more information. 


Brain Story Certification Course

Presented by the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative

Complete at your own pace on our virtual learning platform

The Brain Story Certification Course is a free, online, 20-hour, self-paced, in-depth course featuring leading neurobiology and mental health experts about the science of brain development and its impact on health outcomes. Developed with the intention of being accessible to individuals of all backgrounds, this course covers topics ranging from healthy relationship building to attachment styles to stress. At the end of the course, learners not only take away a thorough understanding of brain development but also ways in which that understanding can be applied to build resilience in children, adults, and families. 

The Brain Story Certification Course has been approved for CEUs by The Canadian Association for Couple and Family Therapy. For more information and to enroll in the course, please click here

Wilfrid Laurier University


We offer 15 non-credit professional development certificates. Our courses provide experiential, interactive learning opportunities through online and remote training options. All of our courses are facilitated by highly qualified, knowledgeable instructors with considerable experience in their area of expertise. You can take any of the courses associated with our certificates without working towards earning the certificate. These courses have not been reviewed by CACFT/ACTCF. Please click here for more information. 

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) Certificate Course

Join EFT developer Sue Johnson's hand-selected team of trainers to discover the empirically validated approach that's now the gold-standard for treating couples

Join EFT developer Sue Johnson's hand-selected team of trainers to discover the empirically validated approach that's now the gold-standard for treating couples

Her Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) approach revolutionized our field by offering the clear, structured roadmap we need to guide partners from disconnection to deeply connected, fulfilling relationships — even when working with relationships troubled by issues such as trauma, anxiety, and grief. Please click here to read more about this event. 

Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute

CTRI’s mission is to inspire learning and improve lives. They provide training (in-person and online), consulting and free resources in the areas of trauma, mental health and counselling skills. 

Upcoming Workshops 

Attachment - Strategies for Fostering Connections January 8, 2025 9 - 4pm CT

View the full live virtual workshop schedule here. 

EMDR Training: Integrating EMDR into your Clinical Practice [5-Day Intensive]

Join Esta Porter of EMDR Consulting for a course that teaches mental health clinicians the foundations of EMDR through lectures, videos, demonstrations, and practice sessions between participants.

This course meets all of EMDRIA's requirements for an EMDR Basic Training Course. Upon completion, participants will have applied the Adaptive Information Processing theoretical approach to psychotherapy, demonstrated the eight phases of EMDR therapy, and identified how to utilize EMDR with a variety of clinical populations. Special instruction is given on varying applications of bilateral stimulation that uses a client-centered approach by addressing the needs of each individual client. Please click here for more information. 

Leading Edge Seminars

Since 1993, Leading Edge Seminars has been serving mental health and human services professionals with ground-breaking continuing education seminars on a wide range of topics facilitated by today’s leading clinicians. Delivered online and in-person, at Leading Edge Seminars, you’ll get the speakers you love, the content you want, and the skills you need.

Explore Leading Edge Seminars

Why not try the University of Guelph's OpenEd's Couple and Family Therapy Studies continuing education courses and program? Expand your knowledge and develop practical skills. Please click here for more information about the courses in the Advanced Couple and Family Therapy Studies Program. 

University of Lethbridge in Canada 

New!!! Graduate Certificate in Couple and Family Counselling Studies now offered by the University of Lethbridge in Canada (One year, Online).

In this Graduate-level Program in Couple and Family Counselling, you will explore the dynamics of family communication, structures and systems to enhance your mental health-care skills without committing to a master's program.
  • Develop systemic relational knowledge and skills for improving mental well-being
  • Enhance your practice or pursue further education
  • Build a foundation in the growing family and couple counselling profession
  • Suitable for a range of social- and health-services fields
  • Online, part-time study

Apply by June 30, 2025 to start your graduate certificate this fall!

Please click here for more information. 

Please share with other professionals to grow couple and family therapy as a profession!


A self paced, online course all about AAI. This comprehensive course is a must for any health professional. 

Please click here for more information. 



    Envision is a Canada-based provider of online workshops for mental health professionals. We seek to make learning accessible and attainable no matter the stage of a professional's career. With our online format, we are able to bring international leading presenters to your screen, wherever you are, in an interactive way, that outshines any conference room. 

    Click here to explore our upcoming live events & be sure to explore our catalogue of home study courses where you can learn at your own pace. CAMFT members are eligible for a 15% discount for any general online workshop or home study course up to 8 hours long. To see the discount code please login to and click on Envision under the "membership' menu tab.  

    Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute

    CTRI’s mission is to inspire learning and improve lives. They provide training (in-person and online), consulting and free resources in the areas of trauma, mental health and counselling skills

    • Resources offered:
    • Virtual and in-person workshops across Canada 
    • Private/On-location group training
    • On-demand training videos
    • Free mental health resources
    Learn more at

    Contact the CACFT/ACTCF

    (416) 907-4620


    P.O. Box 1064

    Tottenham, ON.

    L0G 1W0

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