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Refresher Options for RMFT Supervisors and RMFT Mentors

  • In accordance with best practice in supervision, all supervisors (including Supervisor Mentors) are required to demonstrate their currency in the practice of supervision by completing a Refresher process, once every five years.

    CACFT offers multiple ways to meet the Refresher requirement: we hope these options will not only help to keep our supervisors current, but will help to build a strong network of supervisors and supervisor-mentors so that they may provide active leadership within our organization and within the field of Relational and Family Therapy. Please be sure to read the “Also required section” below. 

    You may choose from any of the choices below for your refresher. 

    a)    CACFT approved Refresher Courses.

    b)    If you are able to access the AAMFT Supervisor Refresher program (i.e., if you are also an AAMFT supervisor), we will accept that option.

    c)     You may take another program which is directed specifically toward the practice of supervision and which you feel would enhance the way you work. (see list below for examples)

    (Minimum 5 hours) (Canadian Content strongly preferred; Pre-approval required) 

    • Current and emerging information on legal and ethical updates 
    • Core Concepts and Best Practices in Tele-mental health and e-therapy 
    • Current and emerging theories and studies in the area of MFT 
    • Ways of creating and maintaining networks with colleagues 
    • The self of the supervisor / therapist work 
    • Managing multiple roles: supervisors who also serve as program managers, clinic directors etc. 
    • Providing supervision from a specific theoretical perspective 
    • Multicultural Issues in Supervision 
    • Exploring and integrating indigenous concerns into the practice of supervision 
    • Grief and loss as a Supervisor 
d)    You may take training which enhances your own practice, and which you are regularly incorporating into your practice of supervision; please document. (Minimum 5 hours) (E.g. Narrative, Solution Focused, other systemic theories) (Pre-approval required)

e) You may assemble a list of readings to create a course of self-study (see list of topics above);

(Pre-approval required)

  • Also Required: Reflection and Integration

    To integrate and reflect learnings gained from whichever option is chosen, supervisors will be asked to:

    1)    Complete a self-assessment and learning plan. The self-assessment form is on  in "Supervision" . 


    2) Revisit their Philosophy of Supervision paper, identifying what has changed for them, and what remains fundamental, and write a one-page reflection/self-assessment, incorporating their learning from their current activities, thereby creating a ‘refreshed’ Philosophy of Supervision document, to be submitted as evidence of the completion of their Refresher process. 

Contact the CACFT/ACTCF

(416) 907-4620


P.O. Box 1064

Tottenham, ON.

L0G 1W0

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