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Webinar Couples that play together, Stay together - CAMFT Student Members

$30.00 - Member price
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TOPIC: Based on the work of Dr. Gordon Neufeld, this workshop will elaborate on the ways play and couples/marriage go perfectly together. DESCRIPTION: What does play have to do with couples? The short answer is more than what most people would ever have imagined. A longer answer has to do with play being discovered as sharing the attributes of rest. And REST is the answer to most everything that ails us, including stress, wounds, alarm, frustration, oppositionality, and even immaturity. Playfulness is even a primary indicator of emotional health and well-being. Based on the work of Dr. Gordon Neufeld, Michele will elaborate on the ways play supports couples to engage each other, hold onto each other, and bridge troubled waters. To lose our playfulness with each other can be devastating for a couple. On the other hand, there is a growing body of evidence that would suggest that couples who play together are more likely to stay together. A link to this webinar will be automatically emailed to you.

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